Monday, July 15, 2013

Google Search Has Lost It's Mind

Don't get me wrong, I love Google.  I love my Android smartphone, and use most of the products Google offers.  What happened to me recently, however, was just bizarre.  

Google Search Fail

If you have ever done a Google search, you have probably had Google try to "correct" your search if you mistyped a word, or if your search is similar to a much more popular search.  Usually it works, or if it corrects your search to something that your didn't want, at least you can understand why it corrected it to what it did.  Not anymore.  At least not this one time for me.  I tried to help a coworker figure out what button combination to press in order to restart his Samsung Galaxy S4.  This is what I got instead:

Google Search Autocorrect Fail
Google Search auto-correct appears to have lost its mind.

This is a particularly bizarre one, because other than the "how to," none of the search is even close.  I can only guess that this is some sort of bug in Google Chrome related to its auto-complete functionality.  Maybe I somehow pressed Enter at just the right moment and confused Google Search somehow.  I have no idea.  I tried to repeat this result a few different ways with a couple computers with no luck.  Maybe Google is trying to tell me something.  If it turns out I have a tick right now, I'd say Google officially knows too much about me.  Only time will tell now.  

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