Saturday, July 13, 2013

Hovercraft Golf Carts are Coming

This falls under the category "Why didn't I think of that?" Professional golfer Bubba Watson along with the help of some technical expertise, has developed a hovercraft golf cart.  It sounds insane, but if you are a golfer like me, you can probably already see the advantages of such a device.  Unlike traditional golf carts, the hovercart (or whatever the official name end up being) rides on a cushion of air instead of wheels, meaning it won't cause damage to sensitive parts of the course like the green, or the fairway when it is wet.  The cart actually applies less pressure onto the course than a person.  You could drive this right onto the green, across a soaking wet fairway, or as the video shows, straight across a lake.

Hovercrafts and Golf are Natural Partners

I found this video the other day, and it was an instant head-slapper.  Its so simple its brilliant.  It goes to show you what can happen if you take your ideas and actually create something with them.  Bubba Watson is a professional golfer, but he took this great idea he had thought of, found some funding, and created this.  He actually spent his free time tinkering at his house, trying to develop the hovercart.  This is more proof that you do not have to be an engineer, mechanic, or scientist to come up with a great idea like this.  This should encourage you to do more with your ideas than just dream.  Run with them.  Create a prototype.  Find someone to fund your project.  You might have the next Facebook, Android, or hovercart in your head, but if you never put the effort in to making your dreams a reality, the world will never get to benefit from it.  

I really hope to see these at golf courses around the world.  I actually stumbled across this video because of an article about the Windy Knoll Golf Club in Springfield, Ohio that will be offering them for use to members.  Its a start, and I am very tempted to take a trip back to my home state just to play there.  

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