Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Bathroom Etiquette

urinalThis is a bit of a rant on a topic I unfortunately have to deal with every day.  I fully expect to add to it as time goes on and I think of more.  As I have never been in a woman's restroom, I cannot speak to the etiquette of women, but I have more than enough experience dealing with my fellow men.

Bathroom Etiquette is Abhorrent

I have a pet peeves when it comes to people in public restrooms.  I am not going to point out peoples' restroom use deficiencies to their face, especially when I am at work, but every time I have to go, I can't help but notice the odd and many times annoying things that people do in there.  The following is a bit of bathroom talk, but you should have known what you were getting into when you clicked this post.

  1. I do not particularly enjoy spending time in the restroom.  Please stop trying to have a conversation with me while I am in there.  I am there strictly for business.  You can talk to me the other 95% of the day that I am not in the restroom.
  2. Guy at the urinal with his hands on his hips: No one is impressed.  Stop it.
  3. Flushing the toilet could not be much easier unless there are automatic toilets (which I am convinced were designed not to reduce the spread of germs but to make sure guys flushed the damn toilet).  Seriously, do it.
  4. Guy who flushes the urinal halfway through, but then doesn't again at the end:  WTF?  Your timing is all off.
  5. Guy who actually plans his day in order to perform his morning ritual at work: Why?  Your bathroom at home is far more private, and is (hopefully) much cleaner than a public restroom.  Who cares if you are getting paid to sit there, it is so not worth it.
  6. Sink, soap, water, towel...  What do these things all have in common?  Figure it out and do it.  I cannot believe I am telling adults this.
    7/29/2013 UPDATE

  7. Guy who holds onto the piping with both hands like he is praying: What are your doing?  Praying everything will work out?  Holding yourself up in case your legs give out?  You are touching one of the most contaminated spots of the bathroom behind the urinal itself.  

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