Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Blog has Reached Its First Milestone

So I realize it isn't much, but since I have only been doing this for a few months and this is my first milestone, I thought I would share.  About a day or two ago, the site passed 10,000 page views, a small but measurable achievement.  This is just raw data which includes page views from bots and other non-humans, but it is still something.  The traffic to the site is slowly starting to pick up a little steam, so I hope that traffic continues its increasing pace, so I can report on a more significant milestone in a few more months.  To those regular readers, who are still very few, I thank you very much for your continued presence and participation.

10,000 dollar bill
If I had a dollar for every page view I have had on my blog, I'd have a bit more than this much.  I'd also
quit my day job, because that would be one hell of a monetation scheme.

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