Tuesday, September 17, 2013

My Entire Energy Policy in a Three Minute Video

This video really summarizes my feelings on climate change and energy sources very well.  I don't fall neatly into either the climate change believer, pro renewable group, or the climate change skeptic, pro fossil fuel group.  There is strong scientific evidence that climate change is happening, and there is also strong causal evidence that fossil fuel pollution is causing significant health and loss of life issues worldwide.  These facts cannot be denied.  At the same time, the data on renewable energy sources tells me they will not be able to supply all of the world's energy.  It just is not going to happen with existing or emerging technology.  The numbers do not support it.  That is not to say that renewables won't be able to be the sole source of energy in the future, but in the timescales required to combat climate change (ie. right now) we need other energy sources than just renewables.

Nuclear Energy is My Number One Energy Source

So what does that leave?  Nuclear.  Nuclear is the only source of energy we currently have available that both supplies large amounts of baseload energy, and supplies it without releasing hydrocarbons into the atmosphere.  And to top it off, data on death rate from nuclear power is the lowest of all energy sources.  Lower than wind, lower than solar, and far lower than the fossil fuels.  This seems impossible when people see the media coverage on the Fukushima, Chernobyl, and Three Mile Island disasters, but it just goes to show how much of people's fear of nuclear power is irrational.

We need to reduce our use of fossil fuels.  We need a large supply of energy that is available whenever someone needs it.  Renewables can supply much of this energy, but in the end, another source of energy is needed, and nuclear power fits the bill in every category from public safety to cost to pollution.  This is my opinion on the future of energy, and while you may disagree with me, I think the data to support my view is very compelling.

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