Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Climate Change Deniers and Dubstep Cat

This is the best video I have seen in a while.  Well, actually there are two videos that fall into this category, one of which is a cat video which I will get to later (it's the internet, what'd you expect).  The first is an excellent piece of satire, created by the climate activist group 350 Action.  The group has started a petition to change the naming convention of tropical storms and hurricanes to those of politicians who deny climate change.  It seems silly, and it is, because even the group admits the petition won't be successful, but it is still a good way to get your point across, especially with a video like this:

Climate Change and its Source Have Been Determined Already

The issue of climate change is one I hate discussing, because there really is not a debate anymore in the scientific community about whether climate change is happening or if it is caused by man.  Climate change is something that has been studied for over twenty years, and the evidence is conclusive that carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are going up, the planet as a whole is getting warmer, and the rise of the industrialized world is to blame.  There just isn't much room if any for contradicting evidence at this point.  What is up for debate is how bad will the climate get, and how much will this affect people.  Extrapolating the current data out 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100 years is not easy, and models differ widely on the projected climate conditions, especially the further away in time you go.

Climate change is just such an emotional topic on both sides that I try to avoid talking about it.  It really doesn't matter whether I supply evidence for or against it, people on both sides really entrench themselves in their beliefs and refuse to even listen to dissent.  It is just ridiculous to me, because as a scientist and an engineer, I go where the evidence leads me.  There really isn't another option.  I could hunker down and stick to my beliefs and fight the opposition and ignore the truth, but in the end, the data dictates reality.  People need to separate their emotions from their beliefs and just argue the facts.  But that is a topic for another day.  Oh, here is that cat video to end on a happy note:

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