Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Microsoft has Built a Time Machine

They did it!  They finally did it!  The brilliant minds at Microsoft have built a fully functioning time machine and inserted it at the heart of every Windows 8 machine.  If you have a computer that uses Windows 8, you can travel forward in time, ageing at a fraction of the speed the rest of the world ages.  It is truly remarkable.  What, don't believe me?  Check out this video:

Windows 8 has a Small Bug Sitting at its Heart

Okay, so technically this Windows 8 machine isn't travelling back in time, and there is a little work required to make this happen.  Basically, in order to make Windows 8 less resource-intensive on lower power systems like certain tablets and other mobile devices, Microsoft did some simplification on the code that handles what is known as the real time clock (RTC), the part of the computer that keeps track of time, even when the computer is off or unplugged.  Under normal circumstances the clock works fine, however if you are a computer junkie and overclock or underclock your CPU frequency through software, the RTC no longer tracks properly with the real world.

Is this a problem?  Well not really, at least not for 99% of Windows 8 users.  This is a problem for those people who overclock their computer and submit their hardware benchmarks to certain overclocking websites, however.  At least one such site, HWBot, has banned all machines running Windows 8, and any overclocking benchmarks already saved to their site have been disqualified.  Because the RTC is used as a baseline on which all computer benchmark results are based, an improperly functioning RTC means skewed results.  It just goes to show you that even with today's advanced technology, little oddities with software will pop up from time to time.  Or maybe it just shows that Microsoft is lazy.

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