Friday, November 15, 2013

Aviate Launcher Disappoints while Google Delivers Again

Aviate Launcher is a great concept, but I hate it,
even though as I want to like it.
When I heard about Aviate Launcher for Android being released in closed beta a few weeks ago, I was very excited, especially after reading the reviews that described it as the Google Now Launcher (A launcher is the home user interface you use to select apps and display widgets).  At the time, I was still using my old phone, not yet having upgraded to something more usable in the Moto X, so I didn't have Google Now at all.  It sounded like a brilliant idea:  A launcher that organizes itself based on when and where you are, providing the information, apps, and widgets you need at home, work, the evening, a restaurant, etc.  It is a novel idea, and I thought it would be perfect for me, giving me quick access to the apps I use while at work, and also while at home.  My calendar, task list, and other work apps would be visible when I am working, while Netflix, Flipboard, or other apps would be available while I am home. It should have been my favorite launcher.

Aviate is a Great Launcher but I Hate It

Aviate launcher screenshot
Screenshot of the left menu
of the Aviate launcher.  I like
the concept, but hate the look.
After about a week of waiting for an invite code, I finally got the email from Aviate that let me use the app I had already downloaded, and as it turned out, I hated Aviate.  That is not to say it isn't a well-designed product, but I cannot stand it.  This is pretty much the opposite of how I want my phone to work.  As it turns out, there are not apps I use regularly at work and not at home, and vice versa.  I use my calendar and task list at both locations, and quickly got disoriented when my apps moved around on me and I had to remember where they were.  My current launcher setup has all my regularly used apps in folders all on the same page, and just a couple others are dedicated to my calendar and other widgets.  I can get to anything in just a couple quick clicks or swipes, while with Aviate I always had to remember the setup of the pages for the different locations and times.  It was slow, and while it certainly would have gotten better over time, I found no advantage to using it over the stock launcher, especially once I set up Google Now on my new phone.

The other major issue I have with Aviate is that it is ugly.  I thought I would like it, and I am sure many people do, but I hate it.  It feels like I am stuck in some sort of organizational app, and cannot get any enjoyment out of my phone.  I don't know why I dislike it so much, but I do.  Part of it is surely my familiarity with the standard launcher design, but I don't feel more productive or efficient with Aviate, and I also don't feel like I am using a premium phone when Aviate is my launcher.  It just feels depressing.

Maybe I am the only person who feels this way, because it seems that a lot of people love this launcher.  If it works for you, then great, more power to you.  Speaking of which, I do have five invites associated with the code Aviate provided me, so if you are interested in trying it out, I have published my code in the comments section for anyone to use.  Just download the app first, open it, then enter the code when prompted.

Google's New Search-Based Launcher is Fantastic

Although my experiment with Aviate crashed and burned, I was still looking for the next big thing (as long as it wasn't from Samsung).  I was now using my new phone and had set up Google Now, which I am loving, by the way.  When the Nexus 5 came out, it was announced that it came with a new launcher that moved Google Now from dragging up from the bottom of the screen (or long-pressing the home button for the Samsung Galaxy S4  or Note 3), to the left-most page on the launcher.  This meant that Google Now was as convenient as a widget, and provided a different design to the launcher that I really liked.  I even went so far as to move my Google Now widget to the page just left of the home screen so that I could adjust to the impending change once Android 4.4 was released for the Moto X.  Figuring the update would not take long to come out since Motorola is now owned by Google, I waited patiently.

Then just yesterday I read an article announcing that Google was pushing out an update to the Google Search app to put it in line with the Nexus 5 version, which also came with a more robust Google Now and most of the code that supported the new Google launcher.  Since the new search version was now out, and the new launcher (being called the Google Experience Launcher) had been ripped off the Nexus 5 many days ago, I figured I would upgrade early and download the new launcher and give it a shot.

This is how I wanted to feel when using Aviate.  It is fantastic.  The launcher actually is very similar to the stock Moto X launcher, but the new location for Google Now and the always listening search app (which compliments the touchless control functions built into the Moto X) really makes the new launcher much better than the old one.  I was even able to retrain the touchless control launch phrase so I always can say "OK Google" to my phone and get it to listen, rather than "OK Google Now" which was a little bulky and odd.  This, coupled with the added features of Google Now, create an entire phone experience that is even better than it was before.  I am not even out of the honeymoon phase with my phone and I just like it that much more now.

I feel silly gushing about a phone user interface, but it is the app I use the most on my phone, by far.  I could not be happier with this phone and the new launcher.  Now the only thing I am waiting for is for Motorola to release their official version of Android 4.4 to gain the rest of the new features Google put into it, along with any Motorola might add.  If you have an Android phone with version 4.1 or higher and have received the new Google Search version (3.something now) I recommend giving the new Google launcher a shot.  Worst case is you don't like it and can just use the one you use now.  The new Google launcher is still only available officially with the Nexus 5, but you can download and install it manually from here.

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