Saturday, October 26, 2013

Doctor Who, Ohio State Football, and a Daddy Do List

For the first time in quite a while, I am home alone with just the dog and the cats to keep me company.  My wife and son are off visiting relatives for the weekend while I tend to the home.  Of course my wife did not leave without instructions, providing me with a daddy do list of tasks to complete before the return home.  Included is some cleaning, dishwasher repair, and outdoor work to prepare for the winter.  It isn't an overwhelming list, but it will certainly keep me busy.

Doctor Who Plays While I Work

Doctor Who logoThe weekend is not all work though, with enough free time to get some gaming in, along with updating the blog.  Needing something in the background that is familiar enough not to take all my attention away, I have put on my staple, some Doctor Who episodes from the current era.  I don't think I have gotten the chance to mention it as Doctor Who has been in between seasons since I started the blog, but I am a huge Doctor Who fan, at least of the current era seasons.  As much as I have tried, I do not like the old Doctor Who episodes, which I am sure will upset die hard Whovians, but I just don't like them.  It isn't the extremely low-budget effects that bother me either, it is something about the plot and pacing that bores me to no end.

The new Doctor Who, however, is by far, my favorite television show ever.  Period.  I was never able to pick out a favorite show or movie before, but Doctor Who has found that special balance that is, at least in my mind, the perfect television show.  I could (and have) watch every episode many times over and not get bored.  I can't point to any one thing that I love the most, but it is just the perfect mix of sci-fi, action, drama, and comedy, with an injection of British wit and charm.  Doctor Who has gotten fairly popular over here in the states, so there is a decent chance you have already seen it, but if you haven't, give it a shot, you may find yourself just as obsessed as I have become.

Today feels like a David Tennant type of a day, so I have been working through my favorites of his era, which is most of the second half of series three, especially Blink.  I cannot count the number of times I have seen these episodes, but they have yet to lose my interest.  I could probably watch these four or five episodes on repeat all day and be perfectly content.  Having seen these so many times also allows me to focus on getting work done around the house while they play, something that cannot be said for my attempt to put on Black Hawk Down while I cleaned this morning.  I hadn't ever seen it before, but I figured I could get something done without losing too much focus to the movie.  I was wrong.

Ohio State Football Marks the End of My Work for the Day

While Doctor Who plays in the background, I am trying to get the majority of my work done, because at 8 tonight, the Ohio State - Penn State football game starts, which like Black Hawk Down, is going to take all my focus and make me unable to get anything done, at least until the second half when the Buckeyes start to run away with the game.  My semi obsession with Ohio State football is another topic I have not mentioned here in the blog before, though it is my Alma Mater, so you probably could have guessed it.  With the house and wife and baby and work taking just about all my time, I have little to devote to sports, but I do make sure there is time left over on Saturdays to catch the Buckeyes game.  Sometimes I do manage to merge housework and football, as can be seen in at least one of my pictures when we replaced our worn kitchen linoleum with porcelain tile.  Tonight, however, will likely not be one of those days, so I am assuming my day ends at eight.

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