Tuesday, July 2, 2013

I Like Big Machines

Maybe it is the engineer in me, or maybe it is the child (or maybe there isn't a difference), but I like big machines.  Not so much the everyday large machines like a basic tractor-trailer or a crane, but the huge, uncommon machines.  If you have ever watched one of those Discovery Channel shows about the giant dump trucks, or the huge tunnel-boring machines, you know what I am talking about.   They are just cool in their enormity.

Big Machines are Fun

On the way home from work yesterday I got stuck behind one such machine, an oversized tractor-trailer, adding a good thirty minutes to my commute.  It isn't the largest machine I have ever seen, but it was just kind of a cool sight to see on the drive home.  I am not sure what it was hauling, it sort of looks like an ultra-modern mobile home.  I think I just found this cool because of the design of the trailer.  Notice how none of the weight of the load is actually applied directly underneath.  It is all distributed to the wheels in front and behind it.  This is done to keep the trailer bed as low to the ground as possible so there aren't clearance issues with bridges and tunnels.

Big Rig Tractor Trailer
This is what I was stuck behind yesterday.  They actually drive this over a mountain road
before getting onto the highway.  I don't know what they are hauling,
but it is some sort of modular building.

Big Rig Tractor Trailer

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