Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Welcome One and All

Welcome to my personal blog.  As this is my first post, I thought I would start out by introducing myself, talk a little about my interests, and review my goals for this site.  While I do read a couple blogs fairly regularly, I am fairly new to blogging, so I am always up for suggestions on how to make this site better.

Who am I?

I am an engineer by schooling and at heart, and a nuclear engineer by trade.  I have a wide range of interests, though I love anything science and technology related.  I have a tendency to get carried away with topics that interest me, and usually talk people to death once I get started.  While I have always leaned heavily towards the sciences, I do have other interests that I will dedicate time to as well.  Mostly I just have thoughts that run endlessly through my head and I would really like to get them written down before they drive me mad.
Scott Laboratory at The Ohio State University
Scott Lab at The Ohio State University.  This is where I spent the majority of my days while in college.

Goals for this Blog

With that in mind, I thought this might be a good way to put my thoughts on paper and let others supply their commentary without me driving them crazy.  Since there seems to be an oversupply of tech blogs, my goal is not to be another source of tech news.  Breakthroughs in science as well as innovative tech products have implications further than just the wow factor.  Many scientific discoveries have the potential to radically change how society thinks and behaves, and that is what I really want to get at.  I want to take a new innovation at its most basic level and work out how this technology will play out over the next decade or further.  I want to discuss how discoveries in basic research will affect the technology that is created in its wake.  That is my primary goal for this site.

As this is a personal blog, I am going to write about what interests me.  That means I probably won't write about something you like every time.  As I said earlier, I can get carried away with something that interests me, so if I don't write about anything tech-related for weeks, then so be it.

Again, Welcome!

I'd like to welcome you again to my site.  I hope that I am able to keep this updated frequently.  If you become an avid reader and see that I haven't posted for a while, tell me.  I'll be sure to get back on the wagon.  If you are a blogger yourself and you see that I am doing something woefully wrong, tell me.  I am always open to suggestion and constructive criticism.  

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