Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Disney Trip 2013 is Days Away

Very soon the family embarks on our annual Disney trip.  The annual trip started way back in 2003, with Josh, Aaron, and +Ashly Vallimont making a cross-country flight from school on the east coast to spend several days at Disneyland, visit some family, and drive the 2500+ miles back.  Since then at least two of us have made a trip to either Disneyland or Disney World just about once a year, and it has been all four of us for the past two years.  Because I only started this blog this year, I do not have a record of our past trips, however the 2003, 2011 and 2012 trips were discussed in great detail at Josh's blog, so if you are interested at all, check it out.
Cinderella's Castle, Magic Kingdom, Disney World
Cinderella's Castle at Magic Kingdom, Disney World 2011
This year's trip is to Disneyland, which will mark the first trip for the newest member of the family, our son Evan.  Since Ashly's grew up on the west coast, we are mixing in a family visit also so Ashly's friends and relatives can finally meet Evan, who will turn five months at Disneyland.  This will definitely be a new experience for us, showing Evan all there is to see at Disneyland.  Ashly has talked for years about how excited she is to take our child to visit Disney, meet all the characters, and watch his reaction to all the sights and sounds.  We are hoping it will not be too overwhelming for him being he is so young, but it is only a four day trip this year, and there is plenty of scheduled rests.

We are Eating at Club 33

This year will also be the first time any of us have been to Club 33.  If you have never heard of Club 33 before, it is the most exclusive restaurant at any Disney park in the world.  Normally we would have to be members to get a table, but thanks to some connections and a little luck, we can experience Club 33 for lunch without paying the $25,000 initiation fee and $5000 annual dues.  I am very much looking forward to seeing if the restaurant can live up to my impossible expectations

The Annual Disney Trip in Pictures

Malayan Flying Fox bats at Animal Kingdom, Disney World 2011

Epcot Panoramic
Panoramic of EPCOT at Disney World 2012
Epcot Panoramic
Panoramic of Animal Kingdom Lodge, Disney World 2012

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